SUNRISE DIVES – new information

ex hmas brisbane


Dear member,

Mon 23rd & Mon 30th Sept we are diving ex-HMAS BRISBANE. Meet 515am, return 8am.

Platinum STANDBY Bookings are now OPEN!!

BOOKINGS are ONLINE ONLY going forward for sunrise dives, this will eliminate having to pay on the morning. You won’t even need to come upstairs. Simply check in downstairs, set up and off you go. If you wish to pay cash, wirte that in special requirements box.

BOOK HERE >>to Join the standby waitinglist

PROMOCODE StandbySunriseHMAS (for 50% off)



$72.50 ally tank and weights

$85 steel tank and weights

Nitrox is plus $25 (200BAR fill). Once our machine is back it will revert back to $15 for Nitrox

Your card will not be charged until weather and your spot on the boat is confirmed day prior. First in first to dive.


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