
Updated daily @ 11am


Updated Daily

saturday 22 JULY 2024

Status: Diving confirmed

Dive Site: Mooloolaba Reef (am) HMAS Brisbane (pm)

Wind Speed: 5 -10 knots

Swell: 1.1 metre

Surface Conditions Score: 8/10

Land weather: Partly cloudy

Availability: N/A


Sunday 27 JuLY 2024

Status: Diving confirmed 

Dive Site: Mooloolaba Reef (am) 

Wind Speed: 10-15 knots

Swell: 1 metre

Surface Conditions Score: 5/10

Land weather: Cloudy

Availability: 7 Spaces I Reef

moNDAY 29 JULY 2024

Status: Diving scheduled

Dive Site: HMAS Brisbane (am)

Wind Speed: 10 – 20 knots

Swell: 1 metre

Surface Conditions Score: 5/10

Land weather: Partly cloudy



Score Conditions
10 NO WIND, NO SWELL!! These conditions occur around 10 days each year
9 Light winds, small swell. These conditions occur around 70 days each year
8 Light winds, moderate swell
7 Light winds, large swell
6 Moderate winds, small swell (These conditions are very common on the Sunshine Coast)
5 Moderate winds, moderate swell
4 Moderate winds, large swell (Experienced divers only)
3 Strong winds, small swell (Experienced divers only)
2 Strong winds, moderate swell (Diving cancelled)
1 Strong winds, large swell (Diving cancelled)
Visibility Comparison 
25m+ Amazing visibility for the Sunshine Coast (This visibility occurs 20 days a year)
17 – 24m Very good visibility for the Sunshine Coast
12 – 16m Average for Winter months (Jun – Oct)
7 – 11m Average for Summer diving (Nov – May)
Less than 7m Poor visibility
Temperature / Month
25 – 26 C January
25 – 26 C February
25 – 26 C March
24 – 25 C April
23 – 24 C May
21 – 22 C June
19 – 20 C July
19 – 20 C August
20 – 21 C September
21 – 22 C October
22 – 23 C November
23 – 24 C December