Marine Species of the Month: Grey Nurse Sharks

The grey nurse shark (GNS, Carcharias taurus) is one of Australia’s most critically endangered species with only 1500 thought to remain within the east coast subpopulation. In the 1950s, they were hunted almost to extinction because of their fierce appearance. But today, incidental capture by recreational and commercial fishing has left the population staring into the […]
Marine Species of the Month: The Manta Ray

Manta rays are the world’s largest rays. There are currently two recognised species, the reef manta ray (Manta alfredi) and the giant oceanic manta ray (Manta birostris). “Manta” translates to blanket or cloak in Spanish, which very well describes the look of the animals’ large, flat, diamond-shaped bodies, which are characterized by triangular pectoral fins. Manta […]
Marine Species of the Month: The Nudibranch

There are over 3,000 different kinds of nudibranchs all over the world. They can be found from the poles to the tropics, shallow and deep water. Right here on the Sunshine Coast there are 1101 local species! Have you ever seen one? Well you are probably wondering what on earth is a Nudibranch. Let’s start […]
Marine Species of the Month: The Mantis Shrimp

The mantis shrimp is nothing short of mind blowing, but how much do you know about this underwater critter that packs a killer punch? So here are 5 smashing facts about the mantis shrimp. What! They’re not shrimp? True fact, despite being called a mantis shrimp they are neither! They are Stomatopods, which are a […]
Marine Species of the Month : The Octopus

MARINE SPECIES OF THE MONTH: THE OCTOPUS Octopus also known as octopi are apart of the cephalopod family which interestingly is Greek for “head-foot”, kind of makes sense seeing that their large eyes, eight very useful arms are all attached to their bulbous heads. Octopuses are highly intelligent animals, masters of camouflage, with inbuilt facial recognition! They […]